At Oak Washroom Services we have an extensive range of water management devices to help you business save money and water.
Our Washroom Water Saving Devices
Water leak and water alarm
You don’t want to let a leak last for weeks or months before it’s noticed, as this can be costly and unnecessarily waste water. When there is a leak it can damage the flooring too, so it can be a costly replacement project.
Our water leak and water alarm can reliably tell you when there is a leak within you washroom area and help put a stop to the problem before it’s too late.
Our waterfuse is an advanced system which brings a leak to your attention but has the capability to stop the water immediately. Find out more by getting in touch with Oak Washroom Services.
Eco Showerhead
If your washroom area has a shower section then you may be interested to hear about how you can save water, without compromising on the shower pressure. Our Eco Shower Head efficiently utilises water and can save you money on your commercial water usage.
Infrared taps
We can fit infrared sensored taps in your washroom area. This helps reduce the spread of bacteria, but it is a perfect way to manage your water usage in your washroom. When the tap is not required it automatically switches off.
Quote for Washroom Water Management
All of our services are provided by Oak in-house. For a quotation regarding our water management systems, please get in touch via contact form or telephone.