Urinal Systems

Many washrooms have an outlet system for their urinals. This is a system which helps reduce salt and stains for urinals and can be used on standard urinals.

The process helps reduce unpleasant smells and releases a minty-odour to ensure the next people to use the washroom area are greeted by the same high standard you wish to set.

Urinal Outlet System Saving Water

Our urinal outlet systems for washroom areas can help your washroom save up to 96% on the use of water.

Our specially designed urinal outlet systems can help your urinals reduce the build up of salt, bacteria and lime scale. This enhances the life of your urinals to help you reduce the cost of replacing the system. Our water management system will release a fresh fragrance as it constantly manages the flow of water and stops blockages and unnecessary repairs.

Quotation for Urinal Washroom Systems

If you would like more information about urinal washroom systems and how we can help you washroom area, please get in touch. Our washroom specialists are waiting to talk with you. All of our services are provided specially by Oak Washroom Services.